Welcome to Tuba's Main Site!
Last Updated: 8/17/2023

Hi, I'm randomtuba! I make incremental games and other things.
Useful Buttons: Discord Github Useless Button

Algebraic Progression
In this game, you start with a few buildings and must gain X and Y to unlock new content!
This game has a collection of achievements, many mechanics relating to algebraic mathematics, automation, and two prestige layers.
Oh, and did I forget that it has a news ticker? ;)
Version: 2.3.3 (Finished)
Game Link

Tuba's Tree 2
What you get when you mix Antimatter Dimensions, Synergism, The Prestige Tree, and bits and pieces from other incrementals into a single game.
It's like the first one, but there's a ton more content in-between, and a lot less inflation. There are a total of 70 achievements.
Version: 1.0 (In Development)
Game Link

Tuba's Tree
I decided to make my own TMT (The Modding Tree) mod and I'm actually proud of this one.
Originally inspired by a Scratch game I made, you travel through 4 prestige layers, collecting
resources and unlocking new mechanics. There are a total of 45 achievements.
Version: 1.0.2 (Finished)
Game Link

Out With a Bang
You've snuck into your rival's underground headquarters to stop the production of his goods, but oops! You activated a nuclear bomb and have 2 minutes to escape!
In this game, you must discover your way through the game's mechanics and generate as much energy as possible. Has 2 prestige layers.
This game was made for the Void Incremental Jam 2.0, and I actually won! Yay!
Version: (Finished)
Github Link
Itch.io Link (WARNING: HAS A NaN BUG)

Space Tree
My TMT game that's currently on hiatus. It's going to be centered around The Prestige Tree's space-themed layers, and attempts to extend them.
Also, currencies have multiple uses, the game focuses on idle gameplay rather than active gameplay, and has no upgrades, ever.
If you didn't like Algebraic Progression, you'll probably like this one.
Version: 0.1.2 (On Hiatus)
Game Link

My Scratch Account
Below is the link to my Scratch account. Here you will find small games that bring 5-30 minutes of fun.
If you're going to make fun of me using Scratch, then get outta here. I don't wanna deal with you whining.

Hey, what's he doing here?
