{{formatSmall(player.countdown)}} seconds remain.
You require 100 Escapes to Epsilon.
{{formatTime(player.challengeTimes[player.challenge] - player.timeInChallenge)}} remain.

You have {{format(player.energy)}} energy.
You are getting {{format(eps())}} energy per second.
You need {{format(escapeReq())}} energy to Escape.

After sneaking into your rival's underground headquarters, you find a machine that will stop all production of the company's goods in the factory. What devastation!
However, once you press the "ON" button, a text-to-speech voice tells you that you have just activated the network's emergency detonation system.
In the event that someone presses the "ON" button without proper DNA identification, nuclear detonators are set to eliminate the entire facility.
You now have 2 minutes to escape before you get blown to pieces!

Use the 5 buttons above to try and find the 3-digit code!
(Hints: Button 1 does nothing, and all digits in the combination are unique)
{{player.codeState === 1 ? "Incorrect Code. Please try again." : (player.codeState === 2 ? "You guessed the correct code!" : "")}}

Made by randomtuba#8432 for the Void Development Jam 2.0
Game Jam Theme: Out of Time

Use B to begin the game, use E to Escape{{hasEscUpgrade(6) ? ", use D to Decelerate" : ''}}{{player.epsilons >= 1 ? ", use I to Epsilon" : ''}}{{hasEpsUpgrade(3) ? ", use T to Dilate Time" : ''}}.

Current Version: v1.0.2.4
The Enter trick is required for certain sections of this game.
Warning: This game contains flashing colors and UI.

Discord Link


You have generated {{format(player.totalEnergy)}} energy in total.
You have bought {{player.upgrades.length}} Energy Upgrades.
You have pressed {{format(player.totalButtonPresses)}} buttons in total.
You have bought {{formatWhole(player.buyables[1]+player.buyables[2]+player.buyables[3]+player.buyables[4]+player.buyables[5]+player.buyables[6]+player.buyables[7]+player.buyables[8]+player.buyables[9]+player.buyables[10]+player.spacetime[4]+player.spacetime[5]+player.spacetime[6]+player.condensedST[4]+player.condensedST[5]+player.condensedST[6])}} buyables in total.
You have played this game for {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}}.

You have died {{format(player.timesDied)}} times.
You have gained {{format(player.totalCP)}} Countdown Points in total.

You have Escaped {{format(player.timesEscaped+player.extraTimesEscaped)}} times.
You have bought {{player.escapeUpgrades.length}} Escape Upgrades.
You have gained {{format(player.totalEP)}} Escape Points in total.
For every in-game second that passes, {{formatTimeLong(1/timeSpeed())}} pass in real life.
You have Decelerated {{formatWhole(player.timesDecelerated)}} times.
You have generated {{format(player.totalDP)}} Deceleration Power in total.
You have generated {{format(player.totalSE)}} Super-Energy in total.
You have bought {{formatWhole(player.generators[1].add(player.generators[2]).add(player.generators[3]).add(player.generators[4]).add(player.generators[5]).add(player.generators[6]))}} Generators in total.
You have produced {{format(player.generators[7].add(player.generators[8]).add(player.generators[9]))}} Generators this run.

You have Epsiloned {{player.epsilons}} times.
You have bought {{player.epsilonUpgrades.length}} Epsilon Upgrades.
You have gained {{format(player.totalIP)}} Instant Points in total.
You have Dilated Time {{formatWhole(player.timesDilated)}} times.
After sneaking into your rival's underground headquarters, you find a machine that will stop all production of the company's goods in the factory. What devastation!
However, once you press the "ON" button, a text-to-speech voice tells you that you have just activated the network's emergency detonation system.
In the event that someone presses the "ON" button without proper DNA identification, nuclear detonators are set to eliminate the entire facility.
You now have 2 minutes to escape before you get blown to pieces!

When the timer hits zero, a white light surrounds you, and in a single visceral instant, your body is obliterated, as your bones burn to a crisp in the vast expanse of light.
The darkness comes to you, and it is quick and total.

Finally! You have won. Upon generating enough energy, you step out of the door, and run as far as you can.
Months later, a new facility is built, with tighter security. Maybe you can blow up their building again...

You Escape, again and again and again and again, the timer getting smaller and smaller, but it doesn't matter.
Your Decelerator allows you to think clearly with no significant time crunch, and you become more and more powerful with Super-Energy.
Eventually, your Decelerator becomes so powerful that suddenly, the time speed becomes infinitesimal, and time stops.
Everything is frozen. You try to turn the Decelerator off, but then you accidently press a wrong button, and the Arrow of Time is reversed.
Billions of years pass in reverse chronological order, and you are now back at square one.

As you buy the final Epsilon Upgrade, the world spins around you, and the Multiverse collapses into a single point.
After an eternity passes, that single point begins to expand, resulting in the birth of a new Multiverse.
After sneaking into your rival's underground headquarters, you find a machine that will stop all production of the company's goods in the factory. What devastation!
Once you press the "ON" button, a text-to-speech voice says "Stopping all production", and you exit the facility. Welp, that was easy!
You have completed {{player.achievements.length}}/90 missions. ({{format(player.achievements.length / 90 * 100)}}%)

You have {{format(player.countdownPoints)}} Countdown Points.
Countdown Points are gained based on your energy when the countdown reaches zero.

You have {{format(player.escapePoints)}} Escape Points.
Every Escape gives 2x more Escape Points than the previous, however the starting countdown is reduced by 25% and the Escape requirement is multiplied by 100.

You have {{format(player.deceleratePower)}} Deceleration Power. ({{format(dpps())}}/sec)
Time Speed: {{formatSmall(timeSpeed())}}x

Enabling the Decelerator will halt your DP generation and subtract from your DP, however you will be able to slow down the speed of the timer.

Welcome to the Automation Hub!
Here you can use different autoclickers and autobuyers that you've unlocked!

You have {{format(player.superEnergy)}} super-energy, multiplying energy gain by {{format(seMult(1))}}x.
You are getting {{format(superGen())}} super-energy per second.
Your super-energy is also multiplying Countdown Point gain by {{format(seMult(2))}}x.
Your super-energy is also dividing time speed while Decelerated by /{{format(seMult(3))}}.
Your super-energy is also multiplying Deceleration Power gain by {{format(seMult(4))}}x.
Your summative generator purchases are speeding up the production of generators by {{format(summativeGeneratorMult())}}x!

Generator {{a}} - Amount: {{format(player.generators[a])}}{{a == 1 || a == 2 || a == 5 ? " [+" + format(producedGenerator(a)) + "]" : ''}}

You have {{format(player.instantPoints)}} Instant Points.
Instant Points are gained based on your times Escaped when you Epsilon.

Welcome to the Challenges Hub!
Here you can complete harder Epsilons as fast as possible!
Some of your milestones are disabled within Challenges. You can enable them by reaching the Challenge Milestones below.
In a Challenge, you must complete the challenge faster than your best time.
If your challenge time goes over your best time, you automatically exit the challenge, and your stats are not reset.
Exiting a challenge manually disables the nerf and timer, and does not reset your stats.
Completing a challenge kicks you out automatically, does not reset your stats, and sets your best time for that challenge to the time at which you completed the challenge.

Your summative challenge time is {{formatTime(summativeChallengeTime())}}.

25 minutes of SCT: Milestone 4 is enabled in challenges
20 minutes of SCT: Milestone 5 is enabled in challenges
15 minutes of SCT: Milestones 6 and 8 are enabled in challenges, you also keep Energy Upgrades
10 minutes of SCT: Milestone 9 is enabled in challenges
3 minutes of SCT: Milestone 10 is enabled in challenges
1 minute of SCT: Gain the maximum rewards of all the challenges

Finally, you're no longer Out of Time...!

You have {{format(player.spacetime[1])}} space. (generated based on CP) ({{format(player.countdownPoints.max(0).pow(0.0025).add(1).mul(CONDENSERS[1].effect()).mul(spacetimeMults()))}}/sec)
You have {{format(player.spacetime[2])}} time. (generated based on DP) ({{format(player.deceleratePower.max(0).pow(0.02).add(1).mul(CONDENSERS[2].effect()).mul(spacetimeMults()))}}/sec)
You have {{format(player.spacetime[3])}} spacetime. (generated based on space and time) ({{format(player.spacetime[1].mul(player.spacetime[2]).pow(0.25).mul(CONDENSERS[3].effect()).mul(spacetimeMults()))}}/sec)

You have {{format(player.condensedST[1])}} condensed space. (generated based on space) ({{format(player.spacetime[1].div(1e30).pow(0.3).mul(CONDENSERS_2[1].effect()))}}/sec)
You have {{format(player.condensedST[2])}} condensed time. (generated based on time) ({{format(player.spacetime[2].div(1e32).pow(0.3).mul(CONDENSERS_2[2].effect()))}}/sec)
You have {{format(player.condensedST[3])}} condensed spacetime. (generated based on spacetime) ({{format(player.spacetime[3].div(1e45).pow(0.3).mul(CONDENSERS_2[3].effect()))}}/sec)

You have {{format(player.dilatedTime)}} dilated time, multiplying production of the previous currencies by {{format(dtEffect())}}x and dividing Time Speed by {{player.newContent ? format(player.dilatedTime.add(1).pow(1.5)) : "its amount"}}.
You are getting {{format(player.dilated ? Decimal.pow(2,player.extraTimesEscaped-92) : 0)}} Dilated Time per second.
Dilating time raises your energy gain to the 0.6th and raises the rest of your pre-Epsilon currencies (excluding EP) to the 0.1st.
You can gain Dilated Time within Dilation if you have at least 100 Escapes.

You Escape, again and again and again and again, the timer getting smaller and smaller, but it doesn't matter.
Your Decelerator allows you to think clearly with no significant time crunch, and you become more and more powerful with Super-Energy.
Eventually, your Decelerator becomes so powerful that suddenly, the time speed becomes infinitesimal, and time stops.
Everything is frozen. You try to turn the Decelerator off, but then you accidently press a wrong button, and the Arrow of Time is reversed.
Billions of years pass in reverse chronological order, and you are now back at square one.
As you buy the final Epsilon Upgrade, the world spins around you, and the Multiverse collapses into a single point.
After an eternity passes, that single point begins to expand, resulting in the birth of a new Multiverse.
After sneaking into your rival's underground headquarters, you find a machine that will stop all production of the company's goods in the factory. What devastation!
Once you press the "ON" button, a text-to-speech voice says "Stopping all production", and you exit the facility. Welp, that was easy!

Congratulations! You have won the game.

It took you {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}} to beat the game.