v2.3.3 - The Options Update (8/17/2023)
Note: This is the final official patch for Algebraic Progression. Minor fixes may be added to this changelog over time, but this isn't a guarantee.
-Added an option to change the autosave interval.
-Added an offline progress modal.
-Added 5 new notations (Engineering, Logarithm, Mixed, Hexadecimal, Blind). Not all values are affected by notations.
-Fixed a bug where having NaN points gave you all point-based Achievements and sometimes triggered the ending sequence.
-Fixed a bug where you can gain lots of Challenge Essence by unlocking Root Epicenter while in Square Root.
-Replaced the AP Classic link with a working one.
-Finally made Building buy max work correctly.
-Actually fixed Quadratic Formula display issues.
-Actually fixed the visual issue with Auto-Quadratic mode.
-Disabled modals on the galaxy.click version.
-Auto-Sacrifice now appears if you've bought Quadratic Upgrade 19.
-Numbers in Achievement descriptions are now properly formatted.
-Changed the description for Complex Challenge 3 slightly.
-Fixed a bug where certain hotkeys were still usable even with hotkeys disabled.
-Fixed a bug where using the arrow keys to navigate within an input would cause the tab to switch.
-Various other small things are now properly formatted.
v2.3.2 - Hotfix Update 4 (8/8/2023)
-Fixed a bug with the Quadratic Formula solution display acting weird with values of a, b, and c less than 1.
-Fixed a bug where the Auto-Quadratic mode didn't reset to "Amount" mode before getting the 2 Complexes Milestone.
-Fixed the description of the 2 Complexes milestone.
-Increased the enter Square Root button contrast to make the words easier to see.
-Fixed the display for the 3rd Reduction Z-Collider milestone.
-Fixed some remaining plurality issues.
-Fixed a bug where the milestone description for 10 CC tiers didn't update after unlocking [DATA EXPUNGED].
-Fixed a bug where you couldn't arrow key subtab navigate to the Challenges subtab without unlocking Root Epicenter.
-Fixed a bug where you could generate Imaginary Power with a real solution after getting the 40 CC tiers milestone.
-Fixed a bug where the website's title would display the wrong version of the game after unlocking [DATA EXPUNGED].
-Updated the NaN detection system to be simpler and more user-friendly.
v2.3.1 - The Visual Update (6/4/2023)
I still don't know how to fix the NaN bugs, sorry :(
-Added an "Import as File" option.
-Added a buy max button for Polynomials.
-Added a "Hotkeys" section in the Textbook.
-Hopefully made the tab glitchiness less annoying by making it 2.5x slower.
-Added an option to show subtabs (except for Statistics and Achievements subtabs) at all times.
-Added a modal for completing 20 CC tiers to help players figure out how to unlock [DATA EXPUNGED].
-Changed the names of f(x), g(x), and h(x) to f(n), g(n), and h(n) due to popular request.
-Renamed Achievement 49.
-Added an option to change the speed of the news ticker.
v2.3 - The Polynomials Update (4/10/2023)
Note: This is the final content update for Algebraic Progression. However, there will be quality of life patches in the future.
-Added Polynomials and Synthetic Division.
-Added an insurmountable point hardcap.
-Added 2 new challenges of a certain type.
-All of the milestones for a certain mechanic are now fully implemented.
-Added 5 new achievements.
-Added 5 new secret achievements.
-Added a proper ending.
-Added a speedrun mode! You can enable it with the "Restart Run" button.
-Added super secret postgame bonuses.
-Added tab and subtab navigation hotkeys. More tab navigation improvements will be added in the future.
-Updated the Textbook.
-Improved the win screen.
-The update number when the mechanic was added is now shown in the titles of Textbook sections.
-Fixed a minor visual issue for Complex Upgrade 4 ("S-UP-er Boost").
-Fixed a bug where anti-slope doesn't rise while offline.
-Fixed a visual issue with the "news ticker messages seen" stat.
-Added 6+ news messages
v2.2.1 - Hotfix Update 3 (4/2/2023)
-Nerfed the Challenge 5 goal to 1e630 points (previously 1e660). That timewall was way too long.
-Nerfed the Challenge 8 goal to 1e1750 points (previously 1e1970).
-Nerfed a certain upgrade in particular.
-Lowered the cost for Square Root Upgrade 15 to 1e295 root essence (previous 1e312 RE).
-Fixed a bug where buying max while having the X autobuyer enabled made your points go negative.
-Fixed a bug where the "-" buttons in the Quadratic Formula tab didn't work.
-Fixed a bug with loading fourth-row Complex Upgrades.
-Fixed the Challenge 4 effect.
-Multiplied the CC8x1 and CC8x2 goals by 1e2,000.
-Fixed the description of a certain upgrade.
-Fixed the Challenge 7 effect description.
-Added 1 news message
v2.2 - The Forbidden Update (3/28/2023)
-Revealed Z, the third variable. It's always been there.
-Added Y-Quadratic and y2.
-Added 12 Y-Quadratic Upgrades.
-Added the Z Lab.
-Added Dilations, the fourth Transformation type.
-Added Imaginary Power and 4 Imaginary Power Buyables.
-Added the Variable Synthesizer.
-Added the ability to make Transformation types permanently active.
-Added Circles. No, this game is not about geometry. Nor calculus.
-Added a new Complex Plane power.
-Added 2 Y-Challenges.
-Added 5 new Complex Challenges and 30 new CC tiers.
-Added 1 new Basic Complex Upgrade.
-Added the long-promised i Exponentiation mechanic.
-Added a very lategame fourth row of Complex Upgrades.
-You can now passively generate x2 upon completing 30 CC tiers.
-You can now produce QP with a nonreal solution upon completing 40 CC tiers.
-Added an unlockable Time mode for Auto-Complex.
-Added autobuyers for some pre-v2.2 mechanics.
-Added 15 Secret Achievements. These are completely optional and do not affect the main game.
-Added 10 new achievements.
-Updated the Textbook.
-You now get a notification when you've fulfilled a Milestone requirement.
-You can now use Shift+S to save and Shift+E to export your save file.
-Fixed a bug where the CE softcap for passive CE generation stayed at 1e2000 with Complex Upgrade 8.
-Fixed a bug where you failed CC4 if you had used all of your Quadratics (for example having 10/10 Quadratics used).
-Fixed a bug where you couldn't navigate to other tabs in CC3.
-Added a "max" button for each Quadratic Formula letter, which sets the value to the cap.
-Removed the 1 second delay in the C9 effect.
-The Challenge 2 exponent now increases twice as fast.
-Lowered the CC3x5 goal to 1e11,700 x2 (originally 1e11,800 x2)
-Made X Upgrades slightly larger.
-Fixed a typo in the CC2 reward description.
-Fixed some edge-case visual issues such as "1 upgrade points".
-Changed the precision for the number formatting at high values.
-The changelog now changes based on your theme.
-Added 25 news messages
v2.1.2 - The Textbook Update (2/19/2023)
-Added the Textbook tab, an in-game guide that updates as you progress.
-Added a new section in the Options tab to show/hide other tabs.
-Postponed the unlock for Auto-Quadratic Time mode to Square Root Upgrade 3.
-Added a statistic for total Transformations bought.
-Removed the "unique news ticker messages seen" statistic temporarily. It will be re-added at a later date.
v2.1.1 - The Feedback Update 2 (2/15/2023)
-Auto-Quadratic now starts with Time mode unlocked.
-In Challenge 5, the X autobuyer now single-buys.
-Changed the Challenge 6 nerf to "Function costs scale 10 times faster."
-Changed the Challenge 6 goal to 1e8500 points. (originally 1e8000 points)
-Added a clarification saying that the "x" in the Function formulas is not your X variable.
-Auto-Sacrifice is now unlocked by purchasing Square Root Upgrade 6, but at first, only buys X and Y.
-Sacrifice no longer resets X and Y when purchasing Square Root Upgrade 6.
-Fixed a visual issue where the news ticker messages seen statistic was unformatted.
-Modified a specific news message to be more random.
-Added a "unique news ticker messages seen" statistic.
v2.1 - The Hyperchallenged Update (2/12/2023)
-Added 5 Complex Challenges that take place within Complexes, require x2 for completion, are unlocked with UP, and can be completed up to 5 times.
-Added new Milestones for completed CC tiers.
-Added 2 new Basic Complex Upgrades.
-Added Transformations (the mathematical definition, not the other kind).
-Added Banked Quadratics.
-Huge thanks to downvoid for helping me add Square Root Level √1 and √4 simulation for passsive RE and CE gain.
-Added 6 Complex Upgrade presets! Hopefully this is enough.
-Added 5 new achievements.
-Added a "Last Ten Runs" subtab to the Statistics tab! You can now see your previous prestige gains and times.
-Added a "Challenge Records" subtab to the Statistics tab! You can now see your fastest Challenge completions.
-Fixed a bug with being able to buy functions with hotkeys before unlocking them.
-Fixed the milestone description for 20 Complexes.
-Fixed the effect display for Quadratic Upgrade 13.
-Removed the requirement for having more x2 than sacrificed x2 for sacrificing.
-Added a "Best Points in Square Root" display in the Square Root tab.
-Added an explanation for Coordinate Plane sacrifice in the respective tab.
-Added a collection of buttons underneath the Root Epicenter slider to also be used for navigation.
-Added an "Inactive Progress" option. When disabled, the game stops running while offtab.
-Added an endgame screen and post-endgame text.
-Offline progress no longer disables offtab progress.
-Added a statistic under the General header for amount of news ticker messages seen.
-Added additional exported file information.
-Added a hint to Challenge 8's description.
-Fixed Basic Complex Upgrade 3's description.
-Added 20 news messages
v2.0.1 - The Feedback Update (11/29/2022)
-Did a bunch of stuff before actually naming this update
(the most important things were fixing Complex Upgrade 12, fixing the news ticker, and fixing some rounding issues)
-Lowered Challenge 5 requirement from 1e700 to 1e660
-Added a description for explaining how to "complete" a Root Epicenter level
-Tweaked some upgrade descriptions
-X Upgrades now remove 50% of their cost from your X amount (rounded down)
-Lowered many Quadratic Upgrade costs
-Auto-Quadratic and Auto-Complex are now above the respective prestige layer subtabs
-Production per building is now shown
-Quadratic Formula is explained better
v2.0 - The Complex Update (11/24/2022)
-Added a second prestige layer, Complex, with 3 brand new mechanics and its own new currency i.
-Added a lot of new automation to be able to fully automate Complexes.
-Added 10 new achievements.
-Added an option to disable hotkeys.
-Added an option to show/hide the news ticker.
-Added options for Quadratic and Complex confirmation.
-Added an option to export your save as a file.
-Added a game description.
-Added save/achievement notifications with notify.js!
-Fixed visual issues with Quadratic Formula.
-Fixed tab issues with Root Epicenter.
-Fixed the bug with Quadratic and Complex timers starting at a unix epoch on a fresh save.
-Changelog link is now in-game (and was moved to the github)
-Edited some news messages
-Achievement rows now unlock over time
-Did some other stuff that I forgot to put on here
-Added 22 news messages
v1.4.1 - Renovation Update (8/15/2022)
-Fixed an inflation bug
-Added an option to toggle autosave
-Added an option to toggle offline progress
-Added new statistics!
-Achievements are gold when you have achieved all of them
-Added 1 news message
v1.4 - The "Way Too Many Softcaps" Update (8/13/2022)
-Added 2 new mechanics, Quadratic Formula and Root Epicenter.
-Added in 4 new completable challenges, so you can finally complete them all!
-Added a new row of Square Root Upgrades!
-Rebalanced Challenges era in v1.3.
-Fixed the bug with your save jumping a unix epoch (for real this time).
-Nerfed Quadratic Upgrade 1 to ease the post-Quadratic progression curve.
-Added 10 new achievements.
-Renamed "Inflation?" achievement to "To B or not to B"
-Made certain progress-related news messages only appear after reaching certain points
-Added 11 news messages
v1.3.1 - Hotfix Update 2 (7/27/2022)
-Fixed a game-breaking bug with Challenges
-Updated Challenges CSS in Dark Theme
v1.3 - The Challenging Update (7/26/2022)
-Added a new mechanic, Challenges! Complete harder Quadratics for powerful rewards!
-Added Y-Intercept (otherwise known as inflation), which boosts Coordinate Plane a lot and costs slope to purchase.
-Added the 8th X Upgrade and a new row of Quadratic Upgrades!
-Rewrote the entire game again (changed x2 formula, expanded Coordinate Plane, automation placed in other tabs, better CSS, removed points softcap, nerfed functions, and more)
-Added a Statistics tab!
-Added 50 news messages
v1.2 - The Uprooted Update (8/20/2021)
-Added a new mechanic, Square Root! Square Root is basically Time Dilation yay
-When exiting Square Root, you gain root essence based on your X and Y
-Added 12 new upgrades that cost root essence
-You can now sacrifice x2 once you buy the 6th root essence upgrade
-Fixed text that was black in dark theme
-Added 6 new achievements!
-Added 4 new X upgrades that can be unlocked with the 3rd root essence upgrade
-Buildings can now produce the previous building with the 6th X Upgrade
-Added offline time! When you go back online, you'll get a small time boost based on how long you were gone!
-There is now a softcap for points at 1e500 points, be careful!
-Added 10 news messages
v1.1.1 - Hotfix Update (8/18/2021)
-Changed a news message
-Max All now works correctly
-Added actual achievements! They don't give you any reward, but maybe they give you bragging rights!
-Changed the top UI and the building UI a bit
-Fixed a bug with the Function Autobuyer not working
-Fixed a bug with the Y Autobuyer not working
-Made the Quadratic tab unlock after you Quadratic for the 1st time
v1.1 - The Quadratic Update (6/27/2021)
-Added a prestige layer, Quadratic, with its currency x2
-Added 16 brand new Quadratic Upgrades
-Added 5 autobuyers to make your life easier
-Added Coordinate Plane, in which you can sacrifice your x and y for boosts
-Changed the UI a bit
-Added hotkeys!
-Added the title with the version number between the news ticker and tabs
-Added dark theme (kinda bad rn, we will improve it in next update)
-Fixed a bug with the 3rd X upgrade not working
-Added a total multiplier from functions display
-Added more info on buildings in the Generation tab
-Made the Hard Reset button look better
-Added a link to this changelog in the Options tab
-At the beginning of the game, only 1 building is unlocked, and you unlock the other 2 buildings when you buy the previous one once
-Added 10 news messages
v1.0 - Launch (6/25/2021)
-Added points, x, and y
-Added 3 buildings (Autoclickers, Point Factories, Point Portals)
-Added an options menu, includes saving, import/export, and reset
-Added 4 upgrades to buy
-Added 3 functions that multiply your production!
-Added a news ticker with 30 unique news messages